How it started…



We had been looking for a new home for approximately 2 years, but this was mid-pandemic and inventory was LOW. What houses did come up for sale went through absurd bidding wars, leading to massive over-bids that waived all inspections and contingencies. It was a rough environment to be a buyer.

Meanwhile, we were still dealing with our awful neighbors: the shared driveway was in total disrepair with no fix in sight, their house totally derelict, broken down cars and all.

So after losing out on the 10th+ bidding war, we took a somber family walk/ride around our neighborhood and lo, what is that!? A dumpster outside a house just around the corner? A house with the best lot in the neighborhood, at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac, across from 22 acres of wooded parkland and backed by trees, with a single neighbor who we already knew. We sprung into action!

Within a week, we purchased the home sight-unseen, with the goal to briefly live there while we worked towards a major renovation/rebuild. Elation, relief, excitement. Major thanks to Bruce for dealing with us and making this happen!

Briefly ended up being almost two years. We worked with a great architect to design the dreamhouse, found a builder who came highly recommended, and then began a long process of negotiation on details, permitting cycles, and ultimately the day things all finally began!

We moved out on 6/15 to a local townhouse, and (de)construction began about 1.5 months later.

Moving out, preparing for a year away.
Garage demo’d, house being gutted, preparing for the real construction to begin!
First floor gut in progress.
Goofy in the gut job. Yes, they left the single toilet for last…
Garage was here! But from its ashes, it will be rebuilt – stronger than ever!