Stairway to Heaven



For the last few months, it’s been mostly “destructive” progress on the house. Gutting the inside, ripping out the chimney, lots of dumpsters full of old house bits. But we’re now starting to see the first signs of forward movement, starting with a new main beam and the main stairs!

Photo taken at night, pardon the over-saturation from the iPhone nighttime shot!

This new beam is not only flush with the joists, so no more artificial divider, but also allows us to open up the entire side of the house for the kitchen/dining area. Sweet!

These are the main stairs, totally open from 2nd floor to basement. And WIDE! Loved how open they felt, and for the first time, its easy to imagine what this space in the house will look like when it’s done.

OK, so maybe not heaving at the moment. The entire roof area has also been gutted, so that they can reroute HVAC, replace any pieces of wood, re-insulate, etc.

It’s been fascinating to see the guts of the house be revealed, and also pretty surprising to see the difference between the lumber used in 1970 vs the new-growth pine that’s used today.

Here’s to more progress!